
Advent at South 2017

Place of Peace | 2 Samuel 7:16


Read 2 Samuel 7:16 I have one place of retreat in my home which offers a little peace from a busy house or a hectic day at work. It can be very quiet and offer [...]

Place of Peace | 2 Samuel 7:162019-02-09T12:06:30-07:00

Joy in Salvation | Isaiah 61:10


Read Isaiah 61:10 “Joy to the world! The Lord has come!” These are the words from the hymn writer Isaac Watts, whose devotion to the Lord and desire to praise God caused him to write [...]

Joy in Salvation | Isaiah 61:102019-02-09T12:06:30-07:00

Joy in Reversal | Isaiah 64:1-4


Read Isaiah 64:1-4 His life was a mess. He’d had all the warning signs, the cold shoulders at home, the one- or two-word responses to questions, the lack of eye contact, the kids’ refusal talk [...]

Joy in Reversal | Isaiah 64:1-42019-02-09T12:06:31-07:00
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