Agape / Love

Greetings, wonderful Daily Devotional readers,

During Advent this year, we are giving our writing team some time off. It is surprisingly difficult to develop devotionals week in and week out, and we want the team to rest and focus on their families during this Advent. We look forward to returning to the daily devotionals in the new year. 

Fortunately for you, there are already some great resources out there for the Advent season. We want to recommend a few of them so that you can keep your devotional reading going in our absence. 

  • The Bible Project has a wonderful advent overview page. This resource will help you learn about the Advent precepts that we celebrate each week of Advent.  Watch: Advent Word Study Video Series
  • Denver Seminary has a wonderful Advent Devotional that you can follow along with. It can be found here:
    God with Us: 2024 Advent Devotional | Denver Seminary
  • Finally, you can follow along with the Lectionary readings for Advent this year. This is what we have done for the past several years for you that provides a wonderful way to meditate on Scripture throughout the season. The Lectionary is a curated selection of Bible readings. Part of the fun of these readings is to prayerfully think through why the lectionary includes the passages that they do during Advent. It might surprise you how beautiful it can be to explore Advent through perceptive texts like these: Year C – Advent – Revised Common Lectionary

May you have a blessed Advent as you anticipate the coming of the King of Kings! May your heart be filled with longing for God’s kingdom in this season.

The Daily Devotional Writing Team