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remember he will answer our prayers and does listen to us amidst the storm
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Read Psalm 105
They were frightened. The waves were raging and the wind was howling. As fishermen, familiar with storms on the water, they knew how to get ashore safely. But this time, even their experience failed them and they were panicking. This is where the phrase “all hands on deck” takes on new meaning. They needed everyone awake and working to get to shore, and the more hands, the better. So, they woke up sleeping Jesus. Perhaps with one more man, they could save the boat from the storm.
But, Jesus exceeds their expectations. Rather than putting his hands to the oars, he calms the storm, and returns the peace. This brought both fear and surprise. Interesting enough, not too long before, in Luke 7, Jesus heals the servant of the centurion, raises the widow’s dead son, and forgives the sinful woman of her transgressions. And yet, they’re amazed and astonished at this miracle. We sometimes behave in the same way. We pray for the healing of a friend, the resolution of relationship issues, for insight into financial struggles, and many others, and when our prayer is answered, we’re shocked!
There’s a saying about history where those who don’t learn from it are doomed to repeat it. Perhaps this saying has bearing here. The disciples experienced the miracles of Jesus just a little while before getting into the boat, yet they seemed to have forgotten them and were surprised by Jesus’ command over the natural storm. So, too, we forget the answers we’ve received and the miracles we’ve witnessed over many years. God has been answering prayers of the saints for thousands of years. We remember them, not only to alleviate surprise when God blesses with an answer, but to remember he will answer our prayers and does listen to us amidst the storm.
Reflection and Response
What miracles have you witnessed over the years? What impossible prayers are you still praying for today? What helps you remember you serve a God capable of the miraculous?[/vc_column_text][us_separator height=”25px” size=”custom”][vc_column_text]
By Rich Obrecht
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