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Jacob had to fully accept his sinful self in order to fully receive his new identity.
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Read Psalm 121
Every great adventure movie with a pursuit scene sells at the box office – whether it’s real life drama or nonfiction. Television recently released a reality show on the theme of being pursued called “Hunted.” It’s a grown up version of hide and seek. Children love to be pursued in a chase and giggle with delight. The big di erence is whether the bold pursuit leads to life or leads to death.
The unnamed woman, in this passage is in a life and death crisis. She boldly pursues Christ through the pressing crowd, in her weakened medical state, in her socially ostracized position, and in her culturally restricted condition. Her issue of blood makes her unclean, unacceptable, and rejected. Yet, the posture of her heart is bold. She is most likely on her knees humbly crawling in the dust of the ground trying to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe. This might be her last chance to be healed by reaching out to Jesus. She could even be killed for being in the crowd and trying to get help. She determines to take the risk and confidently counts the cost.
The woman’s desperate life makes her bold. Her faith in Jesus makes her bold. Absolutely nothing could stop her at this point in her life getting to Jesus. And Jesus meets her in her suffering. Now, look at your life. You may carry a similar feeling of desperation about an issue. Let it make you bold in pursuing the Master of Life, the compassionate Creator, and sensitive Sustainer above all other options. Choose a bold, risky step toward Jesus and what he has for you. Jesus is ready to meet you with blessing.
Reflection and Response
Listen to “Boldly I Approach Your Throne” by Rend Collective and use this space to journal about how you feel about approaching the throne room of God.
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By Donna Burns
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