At South Fellowship, Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and its Chief Shepherd. We are convinced from scripture that He has given the shared responsibility for the governing of His Church to a group of Elders, comprised of a number of men chosen from the congregation and the Senior Pastor (1 Peter 5:1-4).  

Over the next three weeks the Elders will be receiving names from the congregation of men to be considered for the role of elder. We take this process very seriously as these men will give leadership and guidance to the church and will be held accountable for the way that they lead (Hebrews 13:17). The scriptures give us a great grid through which discern who God has gifted and called to be elders. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. You’ll notice as you read through these lists that there are very few skills required, and many character qualities needed! At South Fellowship, we are looking for men to lead who love the Lord, lead their household well (both their wife if married and their kids), and desire to sacrificially serve Jesus’ church at South. Please prayerfully consider names that you would like to subit to the current elders for consideration. We will be accepting names until July 28th and invite you to nominate as many names as you’d like.

Below is a link to a form you can fill out to nominate names for consideration, an overview of the selection process, and the Biblical requirements for elders.

Click here to fill out a nomination form.

Overview of the elder selection process:

  • When the Elders determine that new Elders are to be chosen, they approach the congregation through the means of the pulpit and written material, inviting the individuals to nominate the names of godly men as prospective elders.
  • The nominations are reviewed and prayed over by the Elder Board and the Pastoral Staff. From the nominations, a list of preliminary candidates is selected and contacted by the Elder Board.
  • The names of those preliminarily selected to be Elders are then listed for the congregation.  The people of South Fellowship have another period of two weeks to approach any prospective Elder personally with questions or concerns.  Concerns may then be raised with the Elders, if necessary.
  • These new Elders are appointed by the Elder Board to serve the church. Elders generally serve three year terms, and may serve up to two terms in sequence.

At South Fellowship church, we have humbly agreed to the following qualifications for those on the Board of Elders:

  • He is a man of spiritual maturity.
  • A member of South Fellowship.
  • Endorses our Statement of Faith.
  • Endorses our Mission and Vision
  • Meets the qualifications for an Elder as set forth in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
  • Has already demonstrated both the character and the functions of a leader.
  • Believes God is calling him to lead in the church as a whole. This call is affirmed by the Body at large.
  • Has a good reputation with the community.
  • If married, his wife is a godly woman who has been committed to ministry with her husband.
  • If married, his wife is enthusiastically supportive about her husband serving as an Elder.