He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (NIV)
Solitude and silence are hard to come by when you’re a busy person who not only loves to be productive; but who also finds a lot of identity in accomplishment. There is no merit for stillness in today’s “look at what I’m doing” culture. I love this Psalm because it reminds me that God is ultimately about “look what I AM doing.” In Hebrew, the word rapa [be still] means “to slacken, let down, or cease.” And yet, to completely stop feels irresponsible, a luxury not afforded to a mom of two pre-teens, who acts as a lynch pin for how my family functions. My rapa looks more like a letting down or slackening of the rush of noise and activity but rarely is a complete ceasing.
I am drawn to what not only feels elusive to me but feels lazy, selfish and – let’s be honest – boring. I am never more interested in making a grocery list or sorting out my junk drawer than when I’m intentionally being still and quiet. My mind races, I’m instantly aware of my discomfort, so even the slightest noise or tick can be derailing. Thankfully, God has graciously given us the five senses to enjoy his creation, so that engaging particular senses, and even isolating our thoughts to our senses, can help us with solitude and silence.
The best scenario for my solitude is the act of watching a sunset (or sunrise). Listening to the silence or even the whisper of the Holy Spirit is so much easier when I’m dedicating my sight to something captivating. When I fail to notice how long I’ve stood in the hot shower or warm bath, I come to the realization that I’m experiencing silence and solitude, even amidst the roar of the water. For you it might be taking a listening walk, moving fingers over dough, tossing a frisbee, trying pieces in a puzzle, or resting your eyes to nap – yes, a nap counts!
Do you have a sense of what you can focus on that helps you with solitude? Is there an environment or activity that can help you drown out the noise? When you find yourself in that space or movement, try using this practice of engaging with Psalm 46:10. Think through the phrase: “Be still and know that I am God.” Start with the full sentence, thinking through what that means to you. Then remove the last word from the phrase and do the same. Keep removing the last word until you reach the word “be.” However you engage or let down your senses (movement, watching, listening, etc.), find yourself at “be,” knowing that God is still being exalted even as you rest.
Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I AM
Be still and know
Be still
by Kris Thulson