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We have CONFIDENCE in moving toward our Savior no matter how frazzled our life feels because we KNOW how tenderly he will respond
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Read Psalm 27:4
Multitasking, high-speed internet, and the tyranny of the urgent seem to dominate our lives. To be faster, better, stronger, and having picture perfect lives keeps us rushing on, even to the point of obsession. This frantic pace brings frazzled nerves and fractured lives. In the midst of this pace and energized agenda, no one likes to be interrupted or told what to do. Yet, Martha does both. She interrupts Jesus and tells him what to do.
Notice how this happens in Martha’s own home, in the midst of her family dynamics. First Martha questions, “Don’t you care that my sister has left me to all the work?” But now, let’s look closer at how Jesus responds. Jesus tenderly speaks her name twice which shows his personal care. He sees into her heart and puts his finger on what’s going on. He acknowledges her feelings. She is distracted and anxious and troubled about not one, but many things. Martha also commands Jesus to tell Mary to help. Yet, Jesus sees and gently tells her that “only one thing is necessary.”
It’s easy to feel the same way as Martha, distracted, frazzled, and controlled by the tyranny of the urgent. It’s easy to feel in the midst of our crazy lives that Jesus doesn’t care and have a demanding attitude toward him. It’s so human nature. But the God-man, Jesus, knows our troubles and can relate to our need. Jesus sees into our hearts. Jesus always responds with gentleness. It’s his kindness that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). We have confidence in moving toward our Savior no matter how frazzled our life feels because we know how tenderly he will respond.
Reflection and Response
Stop your hurried pace today to slow down and listen. How do you respond to Jesus’ gentle interruptions to your plans and your way of doing things? Is your agenda more important than his agenda today?
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By Donna Burns
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