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Jesus is ALWAYS there, he comes to meet you wherever you are, in whatever condition you find yourself
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Read Luke 15:3-7
Our God is a God who comes to us. He makes the first move. Just think of all the times when God shows up on the scene. He comes to Adam and Eve when they are hiding in the garden after biting into the forbidden fruit. He comes to bless Abraham with an invitation to follow and be his chosen nation. He shows up in the burning bush to ask Moses to help set his people free. He comes running toward the prodigal son to welcome him home. And, he comes as the Good Shepherd to find his lost sheep.
Jesus does the same in Peter’s life. He shows up. On ordinary days, Jesus comes to the shore of Peter’s life – showing up in his place of business. First, we see a crowd following Jesus to hear what he has to say (Luke 5:1). So, Jesus asks to use Peter’s boat as a pulpit to save him from the pressing crowd. Peter obliges – happy to help. On another day, Jesus comes to Peter with a command to go fishing in the middle of the day in Peter’s favorite fishing grounds. Although tired, hungry, and smelly from a long night’s work on the sea, Peter humbly replies, “because you say so, I will.” This boat-sinking, miraculous catch transforms Peter’s life, and he leaves his business, his boats, and his greatest catch ever to follow Jesus. Again, after the resurrection, Jesus appears to Peter by one of his fishing spots. Peter had just gone out to fish, perhaps to rest from three years of preaching and teaching, and giving his all to following Jesus. In this encounter, Peter still feels the agony of denying he knew Jesus, but he stands there dripping with water from swimming into shore because he knew Jesus was the only one who could give him what he truly needed. Jesus shows up to o er Peter forgiveness.
Ponder that time when Jesus first came to you – the time when you recognized his Lordship and, like Peter, it transformed your life. The truth is Jesus is always there, he comes to meet you wherever you are, in whatever condition you find yourself. He comes with loving, welcoming arms to forgive you of your sin and usher you into eternal fellowship with his Father. He wants you to live your all for him, all the time, right where he has placed you in this world to bring others to the Lord of Life. Celebrate Jesus coming to you, and your transformed life with a prayer of praise. By sharing your transformation story with someone else, you can praise God together.
Reflection and Response
Take a few minutes to write down some of the times in your life when Jesus moved first. Praise him for those moments today.
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By Donna Burns
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