
Join us this Christmas Eve

at 4pm OR 7pm to celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Because God is here we know that he is present in the pain, the trials, the joy, and the celebrations. He is present bringing faith, hope and love.

In whatever season of life you may be in, you can be confident that God is THERE… dwelling in your midst.

During Advent this year we are going to explore the reality and the implications of a God who is HERE. It was what the great prophet Isaiah looked forward to when he wrote,

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Is 7:14).

Immanuel means “God with us.” ‘God with us’ was what humanity had looked forward to for centuries. In fact, the people waited 700 years from the time of Isaiah’s prophecy to the time it was fulfilled in Jesus’ birth. For them it was a distant hope. A wish. A fleeting thought. And, as the years passed by, it became what seemed more and more like a pipe dream or a non-reality that only religious fanatics talked about. It was not something that had a bearing on everyday life. But, we live on the other side of HIS birth. We live IN the hope that he brings. We live IN the life that he offers. We live IN grace that he brought.

At Christmas we celebrate a whole lot more than presents and family and time off of work. We celebrate more than delicious food or Santa coming to deliver gifts. We celebrate a God who came and a God who comes!

We hope you will join us this holiday season as we pause and enjoy God’s presence with us. It could be the best present you get all season! If you are looking for some resources to help you make the most out of the season, check out our Advent Resources page.