
The Book of Revelation

Jesus Our Champion


The faithful members of the Church at Thyatira were embattled from without and within. They had to swear an oath to Caesar in order to join a workers’ guild and be allowed to work in [...]

Jesus Our Champion2024-10-07T09:19:35-06:00

Teachings of Jezebel


Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. [...]

Teachings of Jezebel2024-10-08T00:11:25-06:00

Eyes Like Blazing Fire


    When the Lord looks at us with “eyes like blazing fire” it seems that kind of penetrating gaze might hurt terribly.  It might blind us forever.  We might lower our heads, drop to [...]

Eyes Like Blazing Fire2024-10-04T23:01:12-06:00

A Life of Meaning


John reveals promises from God to the church of Pergamum for those who overcome persecution and heresy.  Those who are faithful will receive “hidden manna” and a “white stone with a new name”. These [...]

A Life of Meaning2024-10-01T00:30:02-06:00
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