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Peter’s irrational OBEDIENCE led to unexpected BLESSING
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Read Psalm 1:1-3
I went fishing every day after work in the summer of 2002, but I never caught a single fish. Not one. Oh, to have been on that boat with Jesus and Peter that day. The Scriptures tells us they caught such a large number of fish that their nets were breaking. These nets were designed to be able to haul in large numbers of fish, but God literally gave them more than they could handle. Imagine the scene in your mind – multitudes of live fish, flopping around in a boat. Chaos. Excitement. Astonishment.
We can only surmise that Peter had never experienced a catch like this before. And this was a catch he almost missed. When Jesus first told him to put his nets out, Peter responded, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing!” But, Peter’s response didn’t end there. He continued, “But at your word, I will let down the nets.” Peter’s irrational obedience led to this unexpected blessing. His “yes” to God, in the midst of doubt, uncertainty, and fatigue positioned him to receive a blessing only God could deliver. And God never skimps. The boat always overflows.
For Peter, irrational obedience led to unexpected blessing and it all took place on his boat. This was his office – his normal, everyday life. That’s the same place God calls for our obedience and delivers his blessing. It might look like continuing to walk with him faithfully in the midst of a difficult health diagnosis. It might look like praying fervently even when we don’t see his hand moving. It might look like living in purity and holiness in a world that says ‘anything goes.’ It might look like selling everything to follow his call. Whatever it looks like, blessing always follows obedience. It’s not always the blessing of fish – or something material. It might be the blessing of joy or friendship or deep meaning and purpose. But every time, the blessing of God is directly attached to steadfast obedience to God. Let’s not give up before we see his hand move.
Refection and Response
When has God asked you to do something that seemed irrational at the time? How did you feel toward God after the fact? What unexpected blessings did you experience because of your obedience?
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By Ryan Paulson
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