Well, it’s been a long time since I have blogged. i got bogged down with seminary and just forgot what was important :) And, to be honest, this isn’t a true blog. I need your help – especially if you are a college student who goes to EFCC. Please read the following and respond in the comments section – I really appreciate it!!!

As a church, we are in the process of seeking God and asking what’s next for Emmanuel Faith. We don’t want to do this in a vacuum, and would love your input. We have gone through this process at other times in our history, one of which was when we decided to plant Mission Hills Church. So the question is, “What kind of church do you want to be at in 2020?” What are the kind of things you would like to see EFCC doing/not doing? What are the things you are passionate about? Etc…

I’d love to hear your thoughts and then I will pass them along to the leadership of our church. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
