boxerI’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Some things in life are worth fighting for…” I couldn’t agree more.
I think faith is worth fighting for.
I think love is worth fighting for.
I think hope is worth fighting for.
The question for those who follow Jesus is, “How do we fight for these things and what are the ‘weapons’ we use?” Sometimes the answer in Christian circles leaves us wanting. The typical answer is ‘try harder…’ or ‘follow these steps…’ What if the answer scripture gave was like a present under the tree waiting to be unpacked?

The scriptures invite us to fight in a few different ways, and this Sunday at South we are going to explore one of the ways God invites us to engage in the battle for our soul. While the Christian life is driven by grace, it is not devoid of effort. In Acts 16:16-40 we read a story of a few men who fought for their life and soul – and came out successful. They saw God move in some significant and mysterious ways. And, in doing so, they laid a foundation for us by painting a picture of what it looks like to FIGHT.

I don’t know about you, but I want to see God move in mighty ways in my life and through his church. I want to see the power of God displayed and I long to see his kingdom come (on earth as it is in heaven). I can tell you, what we are going to talk about on Sunday has that type of revolutionary power. It’s changed everything for me. It has given me a paradigm by which to engage in the Christian life and the battle for my soul… and it has made all the difference in the world.

I hope you’e able to join us this Sunday (11/23)! I think it’s one of those ‘game-changer’ type of topics. Invite someone to come with you!

Let’s learn how to FIGHT!