thumbDay 9 – Journey Through John

I love this chapter of the scriptures! It’s one of my favorites. I’m going to just give a few observations that I made this time around and how Jesus is inviting me to see and interact with him differently

In John 9:3 Jesus responds to the question about why the man was born blind. The general prevailing religious thought of the day was that someone sinned he was struck with blindness – as a punishment of sorts. Jesus confronts and corrects this faulty presupposition. He claims that, “this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” Jesus doesn’t give a complete answer as to why this happened, but he did give the people a new perspective. He gave them a bigger vision of what God was doing and extended an invitation to join him in his work. I wonder if Jesus wants to speak the same thing over our trials, hurt and pain? I wonder if he wants us to release them so that he can use them for his glory. I mean, who would have thought that blindness could have been used for the glory of God? Jesus did.

I’m always struck by the Pharisees… and how much I see myself in them. They want to investigate the miracle. They want to know how Jesus pulled this off; or more likely, they want to prove why Jesus couldn’t have pulled this off. I love the way the formerly blind man responded. He said, “One thing I do know, I was blind and now I see!” That’s called a testimony. He doesn’t have all of the answers, he simply gives an account of what Jesus has done in his life. I wonder how God would stir us to be able to claim the same thing. “I don’t have all the answers, but one thing I know __________________.” So, what’s your ‘one thing’?

What a great story and an amazing encouragement. I hope you encounter the living Christ as you meet him in His word today!