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Phone Down Christmas

by Ryan Paulson


I can remember the day like it was yesterday. I had just walked in the door from work and I got an email from someone. It was an email that I had been waiting for, so I really needed to reply (I thought right away). So, I hopped on my phone and started to compose a message. As I wrote the message, my son Ethan started to climb all over me – like only boys can! He started to get frustrated because I didn’t engage with him in our normal wrestling banter. After trying to get my attention for a few minutes, he gave up. As he was walking away, he said to me,


Those words cut straight to my heart like a knife! See, my son had experienced something that many of us know, but it’s something that we have a tendency to forget. 

It’s possible to be present physically, but absent in every way that matters.

I don’t think I’m the only one who struggles with this. In fact, I think there are many who very rarely enter into the lives of the people around them in a way that matters. We have a tendency to substitute physically occupying space for being present.

I’ve noticed that for me, this struggle continues to escalate as my phone gains more and more features. I have more ways to be somewhere else. I have more people that I can talk to. I have more options. And when I have more options, there is more of a pull to be somewhere other than where I am.

Many of us use the excuse that we are trying hard to provide for our families. I get it, we are, but I’ve been reminded of a key truth lately:


We all have a choice every single day: Will we choose to be present, or will will simply occupy space. Maybe this Christmas season you choose to turn the phone off when you get home. Maybe you choose to log out of Facebook and instead of interacting with people through cyber space you interact with the people right in front of you.

I’m thankful for the reminder from my son… I’m hopeful that I won’t need it again any time soon.

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