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Preparing a Room for a King
by Carolyn Schmitt
I was singing “Joy to the World” to myself recently; when I came to the line, “Let every heart prepare him room”, I started wondering about what might be involved in welcoming and housing royalty. I Googled “entertaining royalty” and found a website called “edwardianpromenade.com” that gave interesting information in an article about life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, specifically the entertaining of royalty by favored nobility. The information came from a book by Evangeline Holland called,” Pocket Guide to Edwardian England”.
Briefly, many of the houses most frequented by the then Prince and Princes of Wales had a separate, self-contained suite of apartments solely for the accommodation of the royal couple when they visited, which occur once or twice a year. Depending on who and when a royal visiter was coming, the whole house might be redecorated to honor them.
The guest lists were carefully monitored to insure that only those the royals would want were included. Even then the couple would not appear until late in the day and spent little time with the other guests. Much of the entertainment of royals was involved with hunting, shooting and racing. The article mentioned that, although accurate statistics could not be obtained, it was estimated that, given the then exchange rate, the cost to English society for entertaining royalty was in the multimillion dollar category.
What a contrast to the birth of this child, Immanuel, God with Us, who is Christ, the King.
While in truth the whole of human history was preparation for the advent of the birth of Christ, the immediate events, including visits from the angel Gabriel to Zechariah and Mary, Elizabeth’s pregnancy, Mary’s trip to visit Elizabeth and the angel’s visit to Matthew, though momentous and miraculous, were private, personal and quiet. Only the decree from Caesar Agustus that involved the whole country was an outside arrangement affecting the place of Jesus birth.
What about the hearts of Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph
- Zechariah, now old, had accepted his childlessness. Though he knew well the history of Abraham and Sarah, he was skeptical about the possibility of such a miracle for him and Elizabeth. He required a sign.
- Elizabeth’s heart was eased and grateful. She was prepared to recognize and bless Mary for believing what the Lord said to her.
- Mary was troubled, asked an honest question because nothing like such a miracle had ever happened before, but she was available to be the Lord’s servant.
- Joseph struggled with his feelings, but was willing to accept the angel’s message and take on the responsibility to love and protect his wife and the coming child.
Preparing a Room for a King
Most of us have heard the story many times. This Christmas, are our hearts preparing to experience it afresh and respond to the birth of our King with wonder and gratitude and joy that overflows in blessing to all we meet?
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