This brief series offered a lot to think on. What if we were the local church that Littleton needs in 2021? What if we found new ways to live in the way of Jesus and the heart of Jesus? What if we were people who were relationally connected, deeply formed, and outward focused?

As Christians we so often turn sermon applications into “to do’s” and “have to’s.” What you may have heard over the last five weeks- get connected, pray, serve, get involved in the community, go deeper with Jesus- might feel like a lot right now. You’re a busy person, with so much in your life already, how are you going to add in all of this?

Please know that this series was not intended as a command or series of guilt-trips. “What If We” is an invitation to see new opportunities for our church community and for ourselves as individuals. It’s an opportunity to examine what God is doing in your life and where he might be inviting you or prompting you to take a next step. Maybe you’re already committed to a Bible Study and are relationally connected at South- but he’s nudging you to see where you might take the next step in your formation.

So as we close this series and look forward to the fall, don’t reject what you’ve heard because it seems overwhelming, or like too much pressure, or you’re too busy. Take time to genuinely examine your life and ask God how he might be inviting you to apply what you’ve learned. Maybe it means saying no to something so you can join a Rooted Group or begin serving in the Food Bank. Maybe it means inviting a neighbor over for dinner this week. Maybe it just means picking up your Bible again. Whatever it is, find out what your next step is and commit to doing it for this fall season.

By Jessica Rust

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