Amelia Copple
South Students Devotional 5 6-2-20 What Image Do You See? Devotional We are bombarded with images every single day. Whether we are scrolling through Instagram, watching our favorite show on Netflix, playing video games, or...
Devotional This little light of mine. I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. So many of us grew up singing that song – being told to let our...
We’ve been told again and again to seek God. If you’ve grown up in the church like I have, you’ve heard that your whole life. Seek God. But what if you’re in a season where...
Our Refuge in the Storm (or the Pandemic) Devotional Shelter. That’s a word that we’ve heard a lot recently. Shelter in place – that’s what we’re told to do right now. Stay at home. For...
South Students Devotional 1 4-1-20 What About Tomorrow? Devotional How do we think about the future when the future is so uncertain (more than usual)? That is a question that has been on my mind...