Kathleen Petersen

Daily Author

I love digging around for scriptural nuggets of God’s truth with our devotional team and being amazed how many facets of meaning we discover. Thanks for reading!


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Kathleen Petersen

When I moved to Colorado in 1980, my first job was delivering flowers to locations in Douglas County. Recipients were delighted as I handed them beautiful arrangements from loved ones — with one memorable exception....

Kathleen Petersen

Although we love the idea of diversity, we usually experience the togetherness aspect of Christianity in local, fairly homogenous congregations. Although those settings often provide optimum environments for spiritual growth, grasping the larger picture of...

Kathleen Petersen

 – The Spirit’s Inscription on Believing Hearts Our nation accommodates multiple interests. As a result, official calendars are crammed with holidays and observances. A few holidays merit a day off from work, while others are...