Sherry Sommer

Daily Author

I grew up in southeast Denver and have lived in Boulder County (first Boulder and now Louisville) for 33 years. Colorado has changed a lot in the past 60 years, (surprise!) but many constants make this place home: Gorgeous and ever changing clouds, bright blue and wide open skies, trees and gardens flourishing in a dry climate, family roots, South Church… I’ve certainly changed over the years, and am thankful beyond words for the the ever present and faithful love of God, no matter what the circumstances. The months beginning in January, 2022, were quite a challenge: Caring for my father, Sam Masoudi, dealing with the aftermath of the Marshall Fire, and community engagement kept me fully alert and working! Now, with the passing of my father and an empty nest, I’m in a new phase of life. I’m eagerly anticipating the challenges and surprises I know will be in store! Being on the devotional team has added so my to my life and I look forward to writing and learning more and more.


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Sherry Sommer

When I was a child, ballet dancers’ turns — with marvelous names like ‘fouetté’ and ‘pirouette’ — seemed  magical. At some point I learned that a technique, not magic,  made these amazing feats possible.  Dancers...

Sherry Sommer

Fasting is a common spiritual discipline throughout the Old Testament, and it’s expected of us in the New Testament. Strangely, it’s one of the least mentioned disciplines in American churches today. One reason, perhaps, is...