Has anybody ever asked you why you do church? Perhaps someone has questioned its significance, asking, “Does church even matter?” And while we confidently respond, “Yes, it does matter,” there’s a part of us that wants to add an “if” to that answer. Yes, it matters… if.
We’ve all witnessed toxic expressions of church and seen it stray far from the heart of Jesus. But despite these shortcomings, we believe local churches still have the power to change the world. However, there’s a condition: we must continue living in the way of Jesus, with the heart of Jesus.
As we refocus on our mission, We invite you to ask how God might use you in making it a reality. Because at South, church has never been just a Sunday thing; it’s about being part of a small group, a family, and making a difference in your place and your world. You are not only wanted, you’re needed.
During this season, we’ll gather in one service to collectively embrace our vision. This special service will take place at 10am on Aug. 13th, 20th & 27th (South Kids will be available for ages 3 and under; South Students will not meet). We anticipate busy gatherings, so please arrive early! Let’s come together as the community that God has called us to be.