Jesus' Teachings



Transformed Does Jesus care about every part of us? Or does He mostly care about our spiritual lives? When we read what the scriptures teach on being re-born and [...]


The Parables of Jesus


The Parables of Jesus Stories challenge us, they move us, and they change us. As Robert MacKee wrote, “Stories are the best way to get ideas into the world.” [...]

The Parables of Jesus2024-06-19T16:44:03-06:00

Sermon on the Mount 2018


The Art of Human Flourishing Standing on a mountain gives perspective. It allows one to see what cannot be seen from the valley where trees and vegetation prevail. The [...]

Sermon on the Mount 20182024-06-19T16:42:56-06:00

4 Days that Changed the World


4 Days that Changed the World An awkward dinner on Thursday, led to a gory cross on Friday, which resulted in silence on Saturday, culminating in resurrection on Sunday. [...]

4 Days that Changed the World2024-06-19T16:43:11-06:00

Encountering Jesus


Encountering Jesus We’ve all met someone that has changed our life. I can remember meeting my now wife, Kelly. I knew within a few days of meeting her that [...]

Encountering Jesus2024-06-19T16:43:33-06:00

Empty is the New Full


Empty is the New Full Let’s be honest… Jesus made a number of claims that didn’t seem to make a lot of sense. He said, “lose your life and find what it [...]

Empty is the New Full2024-06-19T16:44:28-06:00
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