
Week 04

Our Daily Bread


by Kathleen Petersen Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11 CSB This portion of the Lord’s Prayer confirms Our Father in Heaven’s desire to daily provide for his children. But which concerns are [...]

Our Daily Bread2024-02-17T14:10:59-07:00

Dim Bulb


I bet I got your attention. Obviously, that is a derogatory term people have used more than once to describe me. But I hope that after today you may see its significance in a [...]

Dim Bulb2024-08-08T15:57:28-06:00

Covenant of Salt


"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled [...]

Covenant of Salt2024-08-08T15:57:28-06:00

Red Couch Theology


Sermon Conversations with Alex and Aaron There’s only so much we can cover in a Sunday morning gathering! Each week, you’re invited to tune into our podcast at 11 am on Thursdays – recorded (and [...]

Red Couch Theology2023-06-16T11:46:33-06:00
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