Global Transformation

The ministry of South Fellowship extends far beyond our walls into the community and around the world. We partner with some outstanding individuals and families to help us reach the people of the world with the good news of the kingdom of God.

Access our Global Outreach YouTube playlist here.


Transformation around the world

The Global Outreach (GO) Team at South Fellowship has a rich history of sending many missionaries to various parts of the world. We partially fund over 20 full-time Ministry Partners in the Americas, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The GO Team cares for them financially, prayerfully, through regular communication, and by hosting partners when they visit Littleton. For those interested in joining our GO Team, please complete our online application below.

We also have Missions Advocacy Teams (MAT) that meet regularly to pray for our missionaries. If you’d like to participate, we invite you to join a MAT group.

Global Outreach Events

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